Adverts Rates Table / Adverts Pack

  1. Adverts Rates Table / Adverts Pack

To view the different rates available, you must be logged in to your account. From the white menu, click on ’MY ACCOUNT’ and then on ’MY CREDIT’ from the drop-down menu to view the different packages available: buy credits or see credits balance. While publishing your adverts on the website, you must choose the duration of publication from the list which will be displayed on your screen at Step 4 of your advert creation process.

The rates will also be displayed:

  • 1 advert - Text + 0 picture - 15 days
  • 1 advert - Text + 12 pictures - 15 days
  • 1 advert - Text + 12 pictures - 30 days
  • 1 advert - Text + 12 pictures - 90 days

NB : To welcome you on, you will be granted a certain amount of FREE credits during your subscription.
These credits will allow you to publish your advert during 15 days without picture ( 1 advert - Text + 0 picture - 15 days).

To learn more about Buying Credits, click here.