Place / Remove an advert from ’My Favourite’ status

  1. View my favourite adverts
  2. Place / Remove an advert from ’My Favourite’ status

Add an advert to your favorites
To add an advert to your ‘Favorites’, you must be logged in to your account.
Then, you just have to click on the little star at the bottom right of the Advert Block. It will then be featured in red in the Advert Block.
It is possible to add an advert to your favorites from the Home Page, the Transaction Pages: Buy; Rent; Holidays, New Projects, IRS & RES:

Remove an advert from your ‘Favorites’
To remove an advert from your ‘Favorites’, you must be logged in your account.
There are two options to do so:
1.You just have to unclick the little star at the bottom right of the Advert Area. It will then turn to grey colour in the Advert Block.

2.In your Professional Area (Pro Back Office), click on ‘PROFILE’, then on ‘MY FAVORITES’ in the white menu.
All your adverts that have been added to your ‘Favorites’ will be listed one underneath the other.
You just have to click on the little cross to remove your advert from your ‘Favorites’.