Adverts Management

  1. Adverts Management
  2. My Transactions (buy, rent, holidays)
  3. Adverts Display
  4. Additional Filters - Filter by Advert Status
  5. Your property has been let or sold - Archive your advert

To manage your adverts, you must be logged in to your account. From the menu in blue located at the top of the page, click on the ‘ADVERTS’ Tab where you will be automatically redirected to the ‘MANAGE YOUR ADVERTS’ page in the menu in white.
Your adverts will be displayed one underneath the other on your screen.

From this window, you may:
1. Filter your adverts
2. Boost your adverts
3. Share your adverts on your social networks
4. Modify the content of your advert
5. Modify the status of your adverts and publish them on the Website

1. Filter your adverts
A Search Block is available at the top of the page to help you filter your adverts. You may perform a search by: Transaction; Type of Property; Cities or Regions; Reference; Price; Currency; Number of bedrooms.

To refine your search, you may search with more criteria. To do so, you click on ‘+ CRITERIA’.
Once you have clicked on that section, the Search Block will be displayed enabling you to further refine your search: Number of bathrooms; Swimming Pool; Beachfront; Project under Development; Accessible to Foreigners; Interior Surface; Land Surface; Measuring Units; General Features; Indoor Features; Outdoor Features; Advert Creation Date; Advert Update Date; Properties with or without pictures; Properties with or without videos.

To close the Search Block, just click on ‘- CRITERIA’.

A second level of filters underneath the Search Block that will enable you to filter by:

  • The Most Recent; Highest Price; Lowest Price; By City; Most Pictures; Least Pictures
  • By Status: Draft; Pending; Online; Archived; Refused; Offline
  • By Agent
  • You may also define the number of results that you wish to be displayed on the Results Page (10, 20, 50 or 100)

    2. Boost your adverts
    You may boost the visibility of your adverts for them to be on top of the listings every day. Adverts can be boosted by buying credits.
    To learn more, click here

To boost an advert, just click on the Boost Icon located in 1st position in your Advert Block and follow the instructions displayed on your screen:

3. Share your adverts on the Social Media
You may share your adverts on the Social Media by clicking on the Share Icon located in 2nd position in your Advert Block.

4. Modify your Adverts
If you wish to modify your advert details, click on the pencil-like Icon located in 3rd position of your Advert Block:

5. Modify your Adverts’ Status and publish them on the website
To modify the status of your advert, click on the little arrow on the right hand side of the advert’s status to open the drop-down menu to select the new status:

The different status include:
a) Draft – your adverts have not yet been published on the Website and have the ‘Draft’ status
b) Pending – your adverts which are awaiting validation from
c) Online – your adverts which are presently online on the website
d) Archived – your adverts which have been archived

Please note that you may reactivate them at any time by changing their status to ‘Deactivate’. You must then modify them before publishing them.

In case you are in the ‘AUTO PUBLICATION’ mode, your adverts will be sent to our team of moderators before their online publication on the Website.
e) Refused – your adverts have been refused by our team of moderators. If you have any question on that subject, please contact our Customer Service
f) Offline – Your adverts have been put offline.
This functionality can be used for instance in the case of a sale or rental agreement for a property which has not been signed yet.
You may change the status of your advert to ‘Offline’ until the sale or rental transaction is completed. In case the transaction is not completed, you may change the status of your to ‘Online’.

ATTENTION: An advert which has been put ‘Offline’ is not classified as an ‘Archived’ advert. It is not taken into account and counted out of the balance of adverts available in your Adverts Pack. However, if the sale or rental transaction is completed, do not forget to Archive your adverts!

A ‘Tips Box’ briefly explains the different functionalities available to you:

  • Modify your advert status
  • Modify your advert
  • Share on the Social Media
  • Boost your advert