Consolidate your assets with our flexible and exclusive home loan solutions (available in MUR, EUR, USD, GBP & CHF)

Your peace of mind is priceless. That’s why at MCB, we strive to provide the best conditions to help you carry out your property development projects.

Our home loan solutions are tailored to your needs and come with added flexibility in terms of repayment options. They provide the perfect solution whether your wish is to become a homeowner, to diversify your investments or to consolidate your legacy. Real estate projects remain a safe investment strategy for long-term wealth creation.

Our home loan is so much more than a mortgage. It is a solution that fits with your lifestyle and adapts to your financial planning.

We accompany you throughout your journey while providing you with the means to build your heritage.

For more details, please feel free to fill in the form below.

Fill out my online form.

Kindly note that this proposal does not represent an express or implied offer of funding, nor does it create any liability or obligation on Banque Centrale Populaire, to provide such funding, since any facility to be granted is be subject to, inter alia, the obtention of the requisite internal (including but not limited to Banque Centrale Populaire credit committee), and external approvals, if required .