Your property has been let or sold - Archive your advert

  1. Adverts Management
  2. My Transactions (buy, rent, holidays)
  3. Adverts Display
  4. Additional Filters - Filter by Advert Status
  5. Your property has been let or sold - Archive your advert

If a property is no more available for sale or rental, you must archive your advert by changing its status from the ‘ADVERTS’ Tab – ‘MANAGE YOUR ADVERTS’ within your Professional Area (Back Office).

By doing so, you will avoid receiving requests for a property which is no longer relevant and this will prevent that user report an abuse to use regarding this advert.

To change the status of your advert, just click on the small arrow on the right hand side of the advert status and select ‘Archive’ from the drop-down menu.

NB: To archive an advert, it must have the ‘ONLINE’ status at the moment you wish to archive it.