Organizing Your Move- Make Your Next Move Stress-Free

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Finding a new rental space to call home is a wonderful and exciting experience but its only part of the process; the next step is packing all of your belongings for the actual move – and sometimes, the amount of belongings can be overwhelming. is here to give you the necessary tips for having a smooth moving process.

Before You Move In: The period between receiving the keys and actually moving in turned out to be a long and tedious one, with plenty of lessons learned. So, here are some tips to know before moving into your new home:

Tip No. 1 - The very first thing you should do once you receive the keys to your new home from the developer is inspecting your new house for any defects. Whether its rusty doorknobs, windows that don’t close properly, or missing toilet seats look for anything and everything. If you find any defects, record them and inform the owner/ agent immediately. They should have all defects rectified for you.

Tip No. 2 – Another useful tip is to purge before you pack. Get rid of things you don’t need or want in your new home. Have a moving sale, sell larger items or donate your unwanted items. Why pack, move, and unpack things you don’t use anymore?

Tip No. 3 - Color code your moving boxes. Assign a color to each room in your new home (living room = red, master bedroom = blue, etc.). Put a colored label on each box that will go in its appropriate room. You can do this with markers, colored tape, printed labels from your computer printer, large stickers, or colored paper secured with tape. Remember to put a label on more than one side of your box.

Tip No. 4 - Create boxes to unpack first. I’d recommend having a kitchen “unpack first” box, which would include your daily use kitchen items you’d need to cook and eat a meal (pot, pan, cooking utensils, paper plates, plastic cutlery, paper towels, etc.). A bathroom box is also a must– include toilet tissue, shower curtain, towels and toiletries. Putting together a bedroom box is also a good idea– include linens and pillows for each bed that will be used the first night in your new place.

Tip No. 5 - Clothes are such a pain to move. A more organized approach to this is to use plastic garbage bags. Just stuff your clothes inside the trash bag. So simple! This method helps keep the clothes together and from shifting around during transport. This is a genius idea because you spend minimal time unpacking your clothes– just hang them in your new closet and remove the bag.

The thumb rules are: Make a plan for packing, Pack Right and Make unpacking Easy!

Pre-clean your apartment before opening up the boxes. Although most apartment communities and property owners clean between renters living in the apartments, an extra cleaning doesn’t hurt, and it ensures your home is ready to be moved into.

Moving is a process, but with these tips, your next move will be an enjoyable and exciting experience!

Written By
Dany Gowsee

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