Rent a property in Mauritius: Rental Receipts

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One very important aspect regarding renting a property in Mauritius remains the issuing of rental receipts. This is defined as a statement certifying that the tenant has settled his rental charges to the landlord. Very popular in France, a rental receipt is issued for free by the landlord, the document should include the following information: the address of the rented property, the tenant’s and landlord’s postal address, in some particular cases the administrator’s postal address (in case of rental pool), the rental period and payment details.

A rental receipts is issued in two cases:
1. On payment of rental fees by the tenant to the landlord (administrator in case of rental pool)
2. When requested by the tenant to the landlord (administrator in case of rental pool) to issue a rental receipt.

Important : In the case payment of rental fees is made and no rental receipt is received from the landlord, the duty of a tenant is to send a request to him to ask for one. The landlord has the choice to send to send the rental receipt by post, by email (prior to formal agreement between the tenant and the landlord) or by fax.

The rental receipt acts as a proof of payment for rental fees to the landlord. It becomes significant in case of conflict between the two parties. A rental receipts also acts as a proof of address when it comes to administrative procedures initiated by the tenant.

Rental Receipt Sample

Complete name of landlord:
Postal Address:

To the attention of :
Complete name of tenant
Postal address

Delivered on the (day/month/year)
For the period from (day/month/year) to (day/month/year)
Postal address of rented property :
Rental fees amount: xxxx

Rental Fees: xxxx
Accruals: xxxxx
Total: xxxxx

I, the undersigned (full name of landlord), owner of the above-mentioned property, solemnly affirms having received from (full name of tenant) the sum of (rental fees amount in words) as payment of rental fees for the property that he is renting at the aforesaid postal address for the period starting from (date/month/year) to (date/month/year).

Done at (Town/city) on the (date/month/year)


This rental receipt cancels all the receipts which may have been issued previously in case of partial payment of the present amount. The rental receipt must be retained by the tenant for a period of 5 years (article 2224 of the Civil Code).

  1. How to secure your property?
  2. Your Property rights after a divorce
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