Procedures, advice and tips

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Valid documents
It is very important that you make sure that all your required documents are valid to be granted access to the Mauritian territory: passport, residence permit, vaccination record…
I wish to learn more about the different types of visa and permits for foreigners in Mauritius

Dispatching your personal belongings
If you wish to dispatch your personal belongings to Mauritius, you will have to plan everything at least two months before your departure. To do so, you have two options:

1. A turnkey solution by hiring an international moving company which would take care of everything, from your departure till your arrival. Generally speaking, this type of service includes packing your personal belongings, disassembling and re-assembling of your furniture, the choice of the freight company and of your local partner in Mauritius. You may also hire an expert mover for an evaluation of the volume of your belongings.

2. Some Mauritian freight-forwarders such as Velogic or FTL also have an international footprint where they can help you in fulfilling your procedures. However, they do not take care of neither the packing of your stuffs, nor the disassembling of your furniture. Tip: Take advice from other foreigners who hired the services of Mauritian freight-forwarders.

Compare the different offers
Compare the quotes from different movers to have a better idea of the best offer. A professional mover should be able to advise you on subjects like:

  • The different services offered, from departure to arrival (packing/unpacking, packing boxes, disassembling and re-assembling of furniture…)
  • The type of freight and the time taken: air transport remains the quickest means but also the most expensive. However, maritime transport offers greater potentials in terms of volume to be transported.
  • The administrative procedures at the air and port authorities as well as the necessary documents
  • The planned insurance coverage

Important : Make sure that all these details are mentioned on the written contract.

Obtaining customs clearance
To obtain customs clearance from the Mauritius Revenue Authoritu, you should hire a local freight-forwarder. Please note that a residence permit is necessary for customs clearance procedures.

Regarding customs duties, do not forget to provide your mover or freight-forwarder with a precise list of your stuffs and their universal value. Please note that personal stuffs (in use for at least one year) are tax exempted (clothes, computers, furniture, appliances, beddings, home textiles, photos, crockery, cutlery…). However, taxes are applied on new products, the rates depending on product classifications.

Prohibited products while moving: plants, grains, flowers, perishable goods, living animals, drugs, weapons (war, hunting, fishing)

Depending on their countries of origin, procedures may take time regarding the repatriation of your pets. An importation permit is necessary for animal importation as well as a series of medical tests against rabies which may last for 6 months depending on the country of origin. Moreover, putting animals in quarantine is common practice in Mauritius, and its duration depends on the country of origin of the animals.

Some formalities to be fulfilled before moving:
Termination of your subscriptions}

  • Do not forget to terminate your subscription to services such as water, electricity and gas supply, telephone and Internet services, cable and satellite TV channels, a couple of days before moving.
    Forward your mail to your new address
  • It is recommended to provide a re-dispatch order at least 5 working days before moving.
    Insurance transfer
  • Change of address is a clause for the termination of an insurance contract before agreed deadlines (vehicle and home). However, transfer of insurance policy is possible.
  • Notify your landlord or building syndic about your future moving and set a date for a site visit inventory.
  • Notify your complementary health insurance
  • If you are French citizen, visit the following website to notify the following institutions about your change of address (CAF, CPAM, Caisse de retraite, la Poste…)
  1. Rental Management
  2. The Complete Guide to help you Move and Settle in Mauritius
  3. Your Checklist before moving
  4. Procedures, advice and tips
  5. Moving Professionals in Mauritius

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