North – Grand-Baie – A road project takes several land owners as hostages

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Some owners are living a peculiar situation. In order to build a new road, the state would have expropriated them, providing compensation. But twenty years passed and the project never succeeded. In the meantime, those lands’ values increased but they cannot be exploited.

About fifty years ago, the Government wanted to build a new road which would link Sottise to Cap-Malheureux, a project which aimed at reducing the Grand-Baie village traffic. The Minister of Land and Housing already prepared an outline scheme which was circulated among the land owners adjoin the path. They were hence, unable to go forward with their personal projects. They also learned that the Government would compensate them for their lands’ expropriation but they remain uncertain. The common road known as the Northern Tourism Zone Coastal Distributor would link Sottise to Cap-Malheureux by going through Chemin 20 Pieds and the Péreybère main road. This road would have been dotted with several junctions.
Years are going by and there are no projects. The owners are still waiting. Most of the projects which are used for sugarcane cultures have been abandoned. However, several developments took place with imposing buildings in the region. Nowadays, those lands took in value but they cannot be used.
Rajen Chumroo resumes the owners’ feeling.
“I’m hold as hostage. I am the owner of a land parcel that I cannot use. I don’t see the use of a new road as the Chemin 20 Pieds suits the region’s traffic requirements.” Nazim Molootoo, inhabitant of Triolet, is also one of the region’s land owners and already planned to build. Just like the other owners, he is still being kept waiting.
Daniel Poupinel from Remaz Property also agrees that there is no use of building a new road in this region. “In case of need, we can enlarge the Chemin 20 Pieds. In fact, the Government’s decision blocks the whole region’s development.” He estimates the region’s land value at approximately Rs 12 million for an acre.
Raschad Dawreeawoo who is also a land owner has another problem. He intended to fragment his land and kept a land ridge for the new road’s creation. Now, he seeks compensation for this wasteland parcel.
« May the Government carry on with its project, I only seek compensation. This parcel of land destined to authorities will not be of great use anymore.” The land owners got tired of waiting and decided to act. We will soon create an association to voice their opinion. 20 years passed and they do not want to wait anymore.