Land-based Oceanic Industry: A 115 Hectares Business Park at Flic en Flac

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The Land-Based Oceanic Industry (LBO) project is going forward. The state Investment Corporation signed a Memorandum of Understanding with TCS (Thompson Chalon & Associates). The objective is to develop a 115 hectares business park at Flic en Flac by taking advantage of the sea water depth to fuel the air conditioners in informatics centres (Green Data Centres).

To materialize the project, the MLOPL (Mauritius Land-Based Oceanic Park Ltd)- in which the SIC is a shareholder up to 25%- acquired land from the Medine group and it is planned that two hectares will be developed during the first phase of the project. It will consist of a SWAC (Sea Water Air Conditioning) system for the informatics centres. A green data centre, which air conditioning will be fueled by the sea water depth, will be build.
The project proposed by MLOPL is based on the commercial exploitation of deep sea water which has unique characteristics: 6°C, purity and minerals. The potential applications of this water, among others are the SWAC (sea water air-conditioning). However, this water has beneficial properties and can also be sold in bottle, used in thalassotherapy and aquaculture, enter pharmaceutical products and cosmetic fabrication, among others.
However, the market study conducted by the Board of Investment revealed a high demand for the Green Data Centre operations. "There is currently an estimated 6,000m2 of rental demand from ten international operators who wish to set up in Mauritius. This demand is forecasted to grow exponentially from expanding data centres in India, China and Europe", souligne MLPOL.
"While the green data centre operations would ensure that the project is financially viable over a development of an initial land area and installation of the seawater extraction system, there are also additional activities for which demand exists and which can be developped in parallel. Land and water are available for these developments which include production of desalinated mineral water, wellness and healthcare products and aquaculture, among others.".

Source: Business Magazine dated 16-22 December 2009