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Tim Redman integrated the Ciel Properties Ltd team as Director on the 21st of October. Tim-Redman

Tim Redman integrated the Ciel Properties Ltd team as Director on the 21st of October.
Tim Redman obtained his degree in Architecture (BAS) in 1986 from the University of Cape Town, one of the best South African universities and he ended his studies in 1992 with a Master in architecture. He started his career as Housing Development Planner of the Garden Cities project in Cape Town in 1984 and, as from 1988 started working at the Hubbard Ford Partnership in London. As from the end of the 80’s and during the following decennial, Tim Redman followed his architectural career, namely as Founding Director and Head of Sales and Prospect Marketing Information Systems.

From 1997 to 2001, Tim Redman worked at Bentel Abramson (now Bentel International), the greatest South African architects company and has also been the Real Estate Development Director at Colliers International (PTY) Ltd, till 2003.
Recently, Tim Redman was sought in 2006 by the Minister of Tourism of the Sultanate of Oman to launch Omran, a private company for real estate development. His responsibilities as Director/Chief Operations Officer included the conclusion of real estate contracts in Oman with international companies such as Orascom, Sama Dubai, Qatari Diar and Sarava.

Tim Redman has been responsible of a variety of projects: leisure centres, congress palaces, tourist development, and Olympic facilities to welcome 5000 participants, commercial centres, franchised shops, commercial building and allotments. He accomplished all the aspects of real estate development, from new projects researches till financial feasibility, by going through team management, administrative functions and tenant relationships gestions.