moka smart city - Résultats de la recherche

Moka, un vrai hub pour l’éducation de vos enfants

Ne cherchez pas plus loin : de la crèche à l’université, en passant par le collège et le lycée, Moka a tout ce qu’il faut pour aider vos enfants à grandir et s’épanouir. Crèche Du côté de la petite enfance, le CTI Child Development Centre est ouvert (...)

Moka: a knowledge hub

You won’t need to look any further: from nursery to university, taking into account middle and high school, Moka has every facility needed to accompany your children in their growth and development. Nursery Specializing in the field of early (...)

The United States to open new Embassy in Moka Smart City!

It’s now official: the U.S. Embassy has signed on Thursday 13 August 2020 the deed of sales for the ownership of a 47,600m² commercial land plot in Moka Smart City. Let’s find out more about this investment which vows to support employment in the (...)